By supporting us you support global education for Human Rights
You can support us in many ways: by funding our daily institutional work; by becoming a member and participating in our exclusive events, or making use of our premises. As a company, a charitable foundation or an institution you can partner in and sponsor our initiatives, thus linking your brand to the largest and most prestigious network of human rights educators in the world.
Supporting the Global Campus Scholarship Programme will help many qualified students to start their career. Endowing a professorship is one of the most significant investments a contributor can make to an academic institution. A legacy bequest will ensure that your name will be bound to us for years to come. In return we offer our services and network to help you benefit from your participation and collaboration.
Choose what best suits you: a general or specific donation, a legacy or gift in memoriam of your loved one.

Fundrasing Events
Find the list of our upcoming fundraising events such as concerts, cultural events, sports competitions and other initiatives.
Build communities with us to support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) worldwide.

Investiamo il tuo 5xmille in borse di studio per studenti con limitate possibilità economiche.
Through public relations and special events, our team builds and nurtures mutually beneficial relationships between the Global Campus and its public. Our press office develops exclusive media relations through a tailored strategy that engages both our close-knit community and external partners. Our press conferences, events and PR visits are effective platforms that ensure visibility and promote your identity and activities.
Fundraising Campaigns
You can either donate to one of our campaigns with a simple click, or proactively suggest a new one. You can also look for the campaign closest to you and contribute locally. We implement our campaigns through crowdfunding platforms, sales of online tickets and other effective ways to reach our communities worldwide.